Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Cat's Tongue

A feeling of rough sandpaper as you are licked by your cat  is a reminder that its long muscular tongue serves many functions, including grooming.
A cat's ability to groom itself is the result of numerous knobs called papillae, on the surface of a cat's tongue.  Located at the tongue's center, the papillae form backward facing hooks containing large amounts of keratin, the same material found in human fingernails.  These hooks provide the abrasiveness a cat needs for self grooming.  The strengh of these hooks also helps a cat hold food or struggle with  prey.
Although the abrasiveness of a cat's tongue helps it to clean itself and untangle its hair, your help is needed through regular grooming.  As you groom your cat, you are removing loose and dead hair.  Otherwise a cat may ingest this hair and hair balls can form which can cause vomiting and may cause impaction in the gastrointestinal tract.   Long haired cats need daily grooming, short haired cats should be groomed at least once a week.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Summer Saftey Tips

1.  Make sure your pet's vaccines are current.  Diseases such as Rabies, Distemper and parvo are ever present dangers.
2.  Beware of insect bites.  Most of the time an insect sting is just painful and irritating.  Getting stung several times, or inside the mouth or throat, is dangerous.  The subsequent swelling can close your dog's throat and block their airway.  Call or take your pet to your  veterinarian if you see this type of reaction.
3.  Talk to your veterinarian about flea and tick prevention.
4.  Heartworm is a common problem for dogs.  Make sure your dog has yearly heartworm testing and stays on prevention all year.
5.  Lawn and garden products may be hazardous.  Keep these products out of your pet's reach.
6.  No matter how careful and responsible we are, accidents happen.  Make sure your pet has a microchip or identification on their collar.  And make sure your family members know the phone number to your veterinarian.
7.  Never leave your dog outside without shade or fresh water.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Please welcome to Lincolnton Animal Hospital Dr. Robyn McFerren.
Dr. McFerren is excited to be joining our staff as a full-time associate veterinarian.  While growing up, "Dr. Mac" lived all over the east coast and has moved more than 20 times.  NC has been home longer than anywhere else, 15 years.  She obtained her undergraduate degree from West Virginia University and her DVM from the University of Georgia.
While raising two sons, Ian (13) and Carson (17), Dr. McFerren worked relief and part-time for the past 12 years.  Besides the boys, she and her husband, Tim, are the "pet parents" of cats Maow and Trouble, as well as dogs Poppy and Rye.
Dr. Mac's interests include internal medicine, behavior and alternative medicine.  In addition to her required medical licensing, she is also certified in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and Acupuncture for small animals.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Relay for Life Annual Dog Wash

TIME:          2:00 - 4:00 P.M.

DOGS UNDER 40#  $10
DOGS 40# AND OVER  $15
(no cats)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Dental Health