Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Open House

Please join us to tour and celebrate our new location.
When:  Saturday, June 21st
Where:  112 N. Generals Blvd. (behind CVS)
Time:  2:00 - 5:00p.m.
Prizes, hot dogs, ice cream, face painting, free nail trims,
live bluegrass with Kevin Richardson and Cutting Edge (KRACE)

Thursday, May 15, 2014


New address: 112 North Generals Blvd. (old Sagebrush bldg. behind CVS)

The office will be CLOSED

Thursday, May 22 - Monday, May 26

Opening new location
Tuesday, May 27...

If your pet takes prescription medications or eats a prescription food, please make sure you have enough to get you through while we are closed. If you are not sure you will have enough medication, or have any questions, please call the office at

Thursday, April 10, 2014


It's finally spring and mosquitoes are out.  Mosquitoes transmit heartworms to dogs and cats.  Heartworms can be deadly for our pets, eventually causing right sided heart failure in dogs and possibly sudden death in cats.

Heartworm testing is quick and easy and if negative, prevention can be started right away.  Prevention options include monthly oral and six month injectable for dogs and monthly topical for cats.

Please call the office with any questions or for an appointment.




Thursday, March 27, 2014

Annual Relay for Life Dog Wash

When:  April 12th, 2014
Where:  Lincolnton Animal Hospital
Time:  2:00 - 4:00

Asking Donation
Dogs under 40 pounds $10.00
Dogs over 40 pounds $15.00

All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies

Dogs have been known to swallow bones, toys, sticks, stones, pins, needles, wood splinters, cloth, rubber balls, rawhide, leather, string, peach pits, and other objects. With string, one end often knots up while the other gets caught in food. Tension on the string then causes it to cut through the wall of the bowel. Swallowing pennies will not usually cause an obstruction, but can lead to zinc toxicity as the metal leaches out of the coins. Batteries can also cause toxicity when swallowed.
The esophagus of the dog is larger than the outlet of his stomach. Thus, dogs may swallow objects that are too large to pass out of the stomach. Gastric foreign bodies are therefore associated with chronic gastritis and episodes of gastric outflow obstruction.
If an object makes it into the small intestine, it may pass through the entire GI tract without causing problems. Those that do cause an obstruction usually do so at the ileocecal valve or in the colon and rectum. Foreign bodies in the rectum cause anorectal obstructions. Sharp objects such as pins, splinters, and bone chips can lodge anywhere in the GI tract and obstruct or perforate the bowel, causing intestinal obstruction or peritonitis.
Unless it also causes indigestion, a swallowed foreign body will go unnoticed until it produces symptoms. Many foreign bodies can be seen on X-rays of the abdomen if they are radio-opaque. A contrast study may be needed to identify foreign bodies that are not visible on X-rays.
Treatment: Foreign bodies that produce symptoms should be removed. This usually involves abdominal surgery. Gastric foreign bodies can sometimes be removed through an endoscope.